Personal Notes
Access to the various notes I type up for various reasons. Most of these are unfinished and contain errors, but are nonetheless written for a popular audience.
Computability theory - Large body of notes that I kept early on in my PhD research, lots of different topics
Value theory - Notes kept while working through Laws of Chaos by Farjoun and Machover, Marx's Economics by Morishima
Boolean circuits - Håstad's switching lemma, oracle separation of PH from PSPACE, related topics
Languages and automata theory - The Chomsky hierarchy of state machines and their associated grammars
Analysis, algebra, topology - Notes on measure theory, point-set topology, and (mostly linear) algebra
Set theory - ZFC set theory and forcing theory
Descriptive set theory - Notes kept while working through Moschovakis's text on the subject
While we're at it, the dissertation itself can be found here
Big, big powerpoint that I used for my entire youtube class on the volumes of capital. (Note, does not include my whiteboard scrawlings.)
Was the powerpoint I made and used for this video